Friday, May 18, 2012
Unhappier Developments
At this moment, I'm looking for a new location for the ring homepage, and fully expect to have to reapply to the rings my rings are already on, because my host has, without sending us any notification of this, vanished. This is why you see a copy of the ring homepage incorporated into the blog for the ring - free homepage providers aren't very reliable, as a group, except maybe for Webring Webspace, and the rings aren't hosted on Webring, ruling out that option. Blogger, however, is highly reliable and unlikely to vanish in the near future. I needed an update blog, anyway, and Blogger also supports the ssnb javascript that Webring wants us to use, so this seems like a workable choice, one that doesn't require me to periodically pester the ring managers asking to be let back into the ring, after yet another free homepage hosting service vanishes.
Yes, I'd be happy to get paid webspace for this. I'd also be happy to have seen the work I did in college and graduate school lead to something other than long term underemployment. I can only spend the money I have, and there seems to be less of that to go around, every day, Math tutoring not offering the lucrative, glamorous lifestyle that one might imagine it would.